Thursday 10 December 2009

Double Standards when it comes to "Fraud"

"We've done nothing wrong! This is the way it's always been!"

The cry that came from the House of Commons, when the MP's were found out about the over the top expenses claims that they were making. This is nothing new. This has been going on for years. So, the question is those that make the laws are as much the crooks as those who commit the crimes the set laws against.

I still have to admit to this day that I am surprised that people have not taken to the streets about the MP's expenses scandal. It makes me wonder what will it take for that to happen as it has been shown and quite clearly shown that these slimey, penny pinching bastards have been doing this for years and years and yet they have the Gaul to pass laws that incriminate "benefit cheats" who, if you look at it ethically have done the same thing, yet these MP's have yet to be prosecuted. It seems clear that us and them live in completely different worlds.

When you really break it down it is the person who is labelled "benefit cheat" who is justified in doing what he or she is doing and it can be said that this is a product of the "poverty trap" world that has been created for the working classes and those dependent on benefits.

Think about it...what incentive is there to work? For a a couple or a family, I believe that they would receive benefits (inclusive of housing/council tax benefit) that would come to around £200-250 per week. One of them is then expected to take a job on minimum wage and maybe be a few pounds better off per week. So what is the point? The only way around it is to "do a bit of this and a bit of that" and if caught, you are severely punished and publicly disgraced.

However; the world of the MP or politician is completely different. They are trying to convince us that they need not one but "two" homes and despite being found out, still there are no signs of any criminal charges been made against them. It can be argued that they have been publicly disgraced, but I am sure that "they will live" as it seems they all look after their own.

If you were to take it higher, even though I have no proof, it is quiet clear that there are massive corporate companies who are frauding billions and have done so for years.

The real victim in all is you. Does not matter if you work or not. You are the one whom the laws that have been laid down for...not them! These laws exist to divide communities, instill fear and also to some degree encourage such fraud, be it on such a small scale. We are being told that the crimes are against the "tax payer" yet the MP's did also steal from the "tax payer". In fact these "benefit thieves" are necessary to keep the stigma going. If they did not exist one of the methods to demonise the working classes would be gone. The government need them to "make an example of" and to stress that those who claim benefits (and that includes many who work also by claiming tax credits) are scum and a drain on the resources of the "good and respectable" people of this country.

So, all in all, once again we see an example of those in "high places" who have getting away with penny pinching, somehow not feeling the brunt of the law and those who are just trying to survive being paraded as scum of the nation. Also more disturbingly, we see our government who have seriously overspent during the "boom" times, take it out on the poorest of people by beginning a program of benefit reforms that is already pushing vulnerable people into deeper debt. I fear a return to the "workhouse culture" of the Victorian times.

What a land we live in. Great Britain is only great if you are wealthy or an immigrant.

Love, Peace and Respect to you all :)

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