Wednesday 30 December 2009

Is the "Conspiracy Community" just another Religion?

After spending 20 years or so entrenched in a religious system. I have learned a awful lot about how these systems operate, how they give you a false sense of reality and purpose, how they give you a common enemy whom you cannot see but is intent on destroying you and also charismatic people who have the "keys" to your victory.

When I first embraced the belief system of Christianity it felt like I was part of a large and united family. They were no ordinary people, they were "set free". I learned that there was a "good" God who cared about me and that there was an "evil" devil who wanted to destroy me and the world I live in. Sounds simple. Not at all, as it was within this dualistic belief system were many ideas and controversies and it was then that I saw how divided this system and its followers really were and also why never in a million years would it ever conquer the world like it boasted it would. I soon learned that the freedom promised was not a freedom at all in fact I was faced with restrictions and rules. I noticed the divisions and how some lived a much better quality of life than others. I became so tired of it's falseness in the end that I walked away and have not looked back since.

You may be wondering why I am mentioning this....well I have spent the last few years listening to those who are inside or part of the Conspiracy/Anti Illuminati/Freedom community and I have found the resemblance to be very close indeed to the religion I was involved in.

Also I imagined a world where this belief system of Christianity or even Islam had gained control. It would be one miserable place unless you were one of the "spiritual elite".

To enhance my point, let's look at the similarities between the Freedom movement and the religious system of say Christianity:

They both believe that the world is in the hands of a corrupt shadow government who worship the devil (who by the way does not exist) and have plans to destroy or enslave all that stand against them.

They both have a message or gospel that they feel "obliged" to tell those who are "asleep" or "lost" depending on their point of view.

They both have "enlightened" teachers who claim to have the information or the keys to give you victory and their followers travel and pay for the privilege of hearing their message and buy their merchandise. I really have a massive problem with this. In fact I am very dubious of anyone that feels it OK to charge for giving out "enlightened" knowledge or even healing. "Freely received, freely give".

There are places where these people gather together either in the real world or cyberspace to discuss share their beliefs and to promote the relevant movement. This further strengthens the beliefs or paranoia, which ever comes first.

They all have a "good news" ending. The return of their saviour for the religious and the "consciousness awakening" for the freedom fighters, both resulting in a utopian world of the future and an end to oppression.

Every significant world or even local event that happens enforces their belief that "the end is close" or that "they are up to something" i.e. 2012, HAARP, Codex Allumentarius, world depression, vaccines, etc. Great time and effort is put into spreading the word to others.

Both knowingly and unknowingly place restrictions on others. "Don't do that, it's a sin", will be the battle cry from the Christians. "Don't eat or drink that, it is poisoned" will be the call from the freedom fighters. Both may have a point, but it is still a "stop sign" no matter how you look at it. So, as an example both parties enter a restricted form of existence based on the fear of being sinful or being poisoned.

Within the group of "enlightened" teachers/researchers, not everyone agrees with each other and as a result factions exist within the movement and people follow accordingly. Within the Christian belief system, there are hundreds of factions.The same can be said of Islam, Judaism and other religions.

Accusations and counter accusations are made against the "enlightened" ones that they are indeed agents from the "other side" bringing in deception to stop the other followers from knowing the "real" truth.

There are many more similarities, but these are the main ones.

Now, I am not saying that there is not a global conspiracy to enslave the human race (hell, they have more or less done that already) but what I think is interesting is that those who have claimed to be "awake", "set free", "enlightened" may have been simply placed into another cleverly disguised religion and that maybe the powers that be only had to do a few things here or there to send this movement into a paranoid journey of looking for monsters under here, there and everywhere. I know just how that feels like in the late 80's when in the church there were conspiracy theories of demonic manipulation in the church and how many Christians were demonised and needed exorcism. Looking back at all the trouble that caused just on a local level, the one thing it did achieve is NOTHING. Nothing came about because firstly it was not real or true and secondly it divided many good meaning people.

If I was the leader of shadow world government and I could see that people were starting to wise up to what I was trying to achieve, I would flood their information systems with more information. Some truth and some lies and leave them to go around in circles lead by their own paranoia.

From what I have seen and observed it appears that the "conspiracy movement" is just another religion. Many will take issue with me over this but I am basing my statement on my years of experience within a religion and my observations of the conspiracy movement, it's leaders and followers.

You may think that you are free, but are you?

Here is another and far more disturbing thought...

If I was once again, the leadership of the shadow government of the world and I knew that our time was up, that too many were now aware of our schemes, I would prepare to adapt, to rule within another format in a new world system that the freedom fighter would usher in. In other words I would look at those who would be the "people's choice" and people being people, they would chose those whom they listen to and follow.

Zeitgeist movement, David Icke, Ian R Crane, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, David Wilcock, Alex Jones, Rense plus many others? How much do we know them? How much do we trust them? These characters would be the obvious choice to direct the affairs of the newly liberated world, wouldn't they? The newly liberated world would surely need some kind of government and I would be amazed if these big name's would not be put forward to rule. Maybe we are replacing one evil for another.

I could be going a bit nuts and maybe completely wrong, but I have thought about this a lot and I don't trust governments at all. You put people in charge of your affairs and it always ends up in corruption somewhere. To discuss the whole government ideology is another story. I just have to say that we have been so corrupted by the need to acquire and control, at the moment I can see no form of future government being "noble" enough to honestly handle the wants and needs of the people with this nature within every one of us.

Another observation I made is that most people seem to have it built into them to worship or follow someone or something. Something that takes their time and energy, their very life. If it is not sports teams or personalities, it is pop or movie stars or some cause.

It is possible that the powers that be are more than happy to let you rant abuot chem trails and reptilians and codex and HAARP and 9/11 and conspiracies here and there because while you are doing that you are not doing anything constructive to stop them. They will be more than happy that we spend all our time ranting on abuot the latest scheme to destroy us when the answer was simple all the time...


If everyone onthe planet just refused to do it their way. Stopped working, stopped buying, stopped listening to their bullshit and just took to the streets and just decided to drop their petty little difference and learn to love each other. The world system would collapse and we could (possibly) start again. To do that however is a battle in itself. We have to deal, like I have said before the only conspiracy you need to deal with is THE CONSPIRACY WITHIN.

Love, Peace and Respect to you all and all the best for 2010 :)

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