Tuesday 24 November 2009

The Case for the Extermination of the Human Race

I was watching a documentary on the 2012 phenomena, which was very interesting, a bit grim but interesting. What is clear that down the years in many forms we as a race have been warned about our conduct. Regardless of these warnings little has changed. While I was gathering firewood in a very nice piece of local woodland I got this impression of the cases both for and against the extermination of the human species. As I started to dwell on this idea, another allegory came to me. I visualised a "celestrial, heavenly high court" with various species around the cosmos being reviewed. Up came Earth for review and it did not look good at all. There was one disturbing thing I did see if such a case was being reviewed by our cosmic elders.

I came up with this picture...(just fiction, no I did not have a vision)

The attendees include “the watchers”, elders from races who had passed the test, the executors of cosmic justice and sitting on the judgment seat, the divine spirit.

The case: The extinction of the human race

Everyone is seated in a almost endless, timeless auditorium as the counselor for the defense of the human race begins to present the case for the continuation of the species.

“The human race is as we well know coming to the end of the evaluation period and yes, it can be argued that looking at the physical, moral, spiritual, condition of this species and the condition of the planet we have entrusted to them has not met the universal standards set by the council. However I wish to point out that during the brief history of this species there have been many examples of lights in the darkness. We sent out the “christs” to enlighten and free the minds of many and are many examples of good deeds and incredible acts of love and compassion to fellow human beings, even on a localized level. There are definite signs due to the technological vehicle of the internet that the word is spreading to many and that change is only a matter. There are also examples that during adversity humans come together and help those in trouble. Where there is this kind of compassion there is always hope for this species…they can and will change. I propose that the extinction for the human race be postponed and more time given for this race to amend its ways. There is great good and potential with the human race”.

The judge motions as the defense counselor returns to his chair. The counselor for the prosecution smiles gently as she rises to address the council.

“It has been how many years?...20, 30, 40,000? And yet this species has still not listened, still not learned and still not evolved past the need to dominate the weaker members of it’s race. this is both on a global and local level. Yes, we have sent the “Christs” and despite that, their words have been twisted by evil men to set people against people. The planet is ruled by an privileged and evil elite who are simple “raping” the planet for their own twisted and evil ends. They have polluted the world for wealth and then used a natural cycle of warming to gain even more wealth and extend their grip of power. Those in positions of privilege use that position to make profit from the poor and desperate on not just a global but a local level too. There are millions of their people dying from disease and starvation and they have the means to stop this but do not in the name of their goals and dreams. They further plan to increase the grip of their domination in the years to come, by slowly killing their own kind. They have lied to the people of the earth and have made them dependent upon their for their very lives. They have caused war after war for the sake of gain, throwing away millions of lives while they sit in their luxurious homes. The greed of some hurts the many and they do so with no concept of the evil that they do. It cannot be argued that this species deserves and needs to be eradicated. They will soon have the technology, despite our attempts to thwart them to leave Earth and spread their virus of greed and self-obsession to other worlds. I propose that the eradication procedure take place as planned. They are simply vermin that if left to spread across the cosmos would steal, kill and destroy”

“I object!!” Shouts out the defence counselor. “My honoured colleague is correct in her summary but there are billions who are not like these people. They want peace, they want harmony and they want equality of life for all. They want to better themselves and their fellow human being, they now have the technology to do this. They deserve a chance to put this right, surely?”

The Divine Spirit looks down at both counselors and sighs.

“Both of you have presented strong and sound cases. However; I am motioning a decree for the eradication of the human race”.

“Your Honour?” Questions the defence counselor, now in some distress. “There are so many good people down there, who want to see peace. At least spare them!”

The Divine Spirit looks down and in a sympathetic motion, smiles “Yes, you are correct there are good people who do want to see the world we gave them change for the better but they do not want it enough. They spend all their days talking about it and filling themselves with false hopes of sudden change. They have been sent messengers, prophets, shamen and seers to show the way but they have allowed themselves to become confused by overloading of information and have spent so much time arguing over who or what is right, that they have made being right their religion. They all are agreed where the problem lies but have however made no attempt to humble themselves, join together and take control of the very system that enslaves them. They themselves have become a miniature replica of system that they fight, for their lives are still to comfortable that the thought of the upheaval and temporary inconvenience of change still does not outweigh the desire for comfort that the rulers of this world give them. They have been seduced by their own form of materialism and this has lead to fear, pride and love of comfort; In essence they are as guilty as those that in positions of power, who are causing such evil to so many. The sad and frustrating thing is that they are the majority, they always have been. Down the centuries, they always had the power to say no to the system of tyranny and evil and change things. They have been given the information, the keys to door but will not open the door and enter into change. They are also part of the problem, not the solution.

The defence counselor looks down is resignation.

With sadness in her voice the Divine Spirit utters “initiate the extermination of the species named Homosapien with immediate effect” The sadness began to filter around the whole cosmos. We are not the first and we are certainly not the last to fail.

I can't help but have a feelling of an "ending" of something. Most religions and ancient propechies concur. I think our only chance of making it is if your comforts are suddenly taken away from us. We are running out of time to change things. Thinking and talking about it will not save us.

Love, peace and respect to you all :)

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