Sunday 8 November 2009

Uniformity, Conformity and just go with the flow...or not!

I remember back in late 1978, I was moving out of the punk thing, which in my home town was generally frowned upon and was moving into the realm of electronic music, which sadly got linked with the new romantic movement. By 1980 I had developed my own look. Yes it may be argued that a lot of the look was influenced by the likes of Bowie, Roxy music, Numan and John Foxx, however this was my look, this was to a

The people of my home town did not take to kindly to this and I did get as we say in the UK, a "lot of stick" for dressing the way that I did. It was my first lesson in uniformity. Yes, even back in those days it was rife. Unless you were brave enough to go against the flow, you were set up for a load of ridicule and even at times a good kicking. Thankfully I fought my way through most of my childhood so I was very "streetwise" so never got a kicking but came close on a few occasions. This however does not only apply to clothing. Your beliefs, your sexuality, the colour of your skin can rub up the wrong way many people.

It is clear that to go against the flow will cost you. There is a set social norm that is set by those in "high places" and to push away that boundary often gets you into conflict with the people who should be there with you. We have been trained, like the good doggies we are to do what we are told to and be who we are told to. "Go to work, don't argue, wear this, watch that, be careful, don't touch this and don't touch that.", the list goes on.

They have even controlled our sex lives. Creating taboos and also creating the most stupid standards that are designed to alienate many...IE penis size, breast size, size zero, curvy and so on. Young people are "encouraged" to have sex with has many people as they can, then only to find that the minute they push against the boundary fence, they are in trouble. The TV programmes, the songs about bitches and bling all add to the drive to just go and have sex and to hell with the consequences. Still I think this is just our dear governments way of creating a chaos to bring a form of order to things...just watch this space!

I has to be said that it is the sexual side of our lives that we seemed to be the most "boxed in". We have been trained to become so superficial when it comes to relating on whatever level with another person..."too ugly, too fat, too much bodily hair (and that's just the women), penis too small, breasts too small", we miss out on so much because of our training by evil media empires. Sex is still (thanks to our religious heritage) a taboo thing in this country. Anyone who has "alternative" ideas about sex can only express it in the underground through fear of being exposed and ridiculed. It is that suppression that drives many underground.

It has been suggested by some alternative historians that before what we know as civilisation, in a certain part of the world, early man lived on hallucinogenic mushrooms, lived within a group system (no-one owned anything or anybody), were connected through these hallucinogens to nature and the earth Goddess and based on a lunar 28 day cycle enjoyed orgies. Can you imagine that system today? All preset social parameters would be destroyed. I can just imagine your first thought "oh yes" and then your years old programming would kick in. "I have work in the morning, mortgage and debts to pay, I have responsibilities, what will people think?..." the list goes on. Then that thought vanishes and you return to routine.

From what I have seen in the 46 years I have spent on this planet I want to go back to that way of living. Not only have we been psycho-sexually castrated but our need to acquire objects and wealth has cut us off from the most simple and most important connection there nature itself. We are being turned into monsters, slaves, spiritual eunuchs and any attempt to go back to that world is frowned upon by the very people who should be coming along with you on the journey.

Also it must be said that our dear government, plus other governments of the so called "civilised" world have cut us off from access to these mind enhancing drugs. How can you make a substance such as DMT illegal when your brain produces it every time you sleep? It has been shown that in most cases they do far more good than harm, but they have no problem having an entire generation bound to life shortening drugs created by huge drug companies for profit...EVIL EVIL EVIL. These are natural products, what gives them the right to keep them from us...oh yes...US. Still as long as we are home in time for The X Factor or the football game why should we care?

From what I understand the "Summer of Love" was the closest we got to returning to that primal nirvana, it scared the hell out of the US government and I guess that most of who were involved in that movement then ended up working in offices with suits. In fact when you think about it, when you look at students, that is the only time when you will see them out of a uniform as once they graduate and in time into the suit they go.

The problem is and always has been is "ownership". The minute that one owns something, there are problems. This even goes as far as relationships. I see many instances where the man put restrictions around the woman (you can't go out by yourself, you cant wear revealing clothing when in public) and vice versa (not to sure about the man wearing the revealing clothing tho). People don't belong to us. Religion encourages this ideology though and what should be a group motivated community where no one owns anything is instead a conflict driven, psychotic mess and also the reason for all wars too.

The Zeitgeist movie also concurs about ownership. They envision a society where ownership is abolished, I wonder if they have gone as far as people.

Could you break away from the social norm? Could you burst open the parameters set by society? Could you possibly release all that you own? The truth is that none of that is real. The powers that be could take away everything that you "own" if they wanted to and believe me they can. They want you to conform. Only the brave move out of that...are you one of I?

Just food for thought :)

Love, peace and respect to you all :)

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