Monday 2 November 2009

Name and Shame

I want to name and shame a christian blogspace which in my opinion is a pretty vile piece of work. It devotes its time to slandering people who do not see the bible their way and if you are a non believer with an best look out...well noi actually you will be censored. So much for freedom of speech and expression with Christian circles.

Slaughter of the Sheep, if you go and take a look, is obcessed with being right...yes being right is the new religion in town. All you need is a bible, probably a King James version to make it sound so correct and right on, and a total loss of brain cells. If people like this got into power anywhere in the world. The world fun, think, consider, enjoy would cease to exist. There are a number of individuals on there that are the most stuck up, arrogant people I have ever come accross. The "heaven bound becasue we are correct" club.

I got into another spat with them over the subject of self esteem, yes they dont think that you should have any...go on read it on their site. One poor person had dared to question them and his or her post was displayed to be taken aprat by these parasites of religion, who spend their time at the altars of their own theology. It was awful and I just had to say some thing. They did not post this, becasue the last thing they want is a difference of opinion on their site.

So here response...

You are all crazy!!!!

Really you are.

The one major crime that this form of religion commits is the crime against YOU, yes you. You are told by a book that has very little evidence to back it up that you are sinful and horrible and worthless…and you believe it. No wonder your lives are filled with misery.

It is the self, yes you that brings the change but you won’t listen, you never do.
Just to make it sound like you are the “remnant” who are just giving out the truth and expecting to be unpopular, but in truth all you are doing, yes all of you is spreading hate and you do it in the name of a book that is so mixed up, no wonder there are 100’s of splinter denominations…it’s a mess. I have read it over and over and it contradicts all over the place. Well if that is the Word of God, he is one mixed up dude.

You swat your critics like flies so that you can sit proudly on the altar of your theology. No wonder Islam is taking over.

I love it the way that someone who disagrees with your own version of the book is paraded on your site for all to take apart. You are no different to the Romans who used to throw Christians to the lions (if that ever did happen).

I once sat in the church with my big bible, just like the rest of them all loving the fact that we were on the cutting edge, we were right and you know is all…an illusion, honestly it’s a big joke and the joke is on all of you.
I know that you won’t post this Crystal, some of my others which were too abrasive. Well you are all just as bad. It was ok to leave posts on that I may of found offensive but as for mine, censored.

You are the type of people that if there was the heaven that you describe, everyone would have to creep past you so that you can still live the illusion that you are the only ones there…the arrogance!

You all need professional help!


They can sensor it on their site but not on mine.

Love, Peace and respect.

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