Sunday 18 October 2009

Why Can I Not Get Through to Them?

I must be honest but when I take a look at the freedom fighters, conspiracy theorists and the Christians all in the same pot, I just cannot see how the Christians are going to reconcile future events when it does not go the way they were told it was going to go, or when real evidence that shows that their handbook is indeed NOT the inspired word of God.

They won't even listen now, so what I believe will happen is that they will either enter into a phase of denial or turn against the freedom fighters. They just won't budge on anything and yet they are posting stuff on facebook about conspiracies and it is just crazy.

I am getting a little tired of being kicked off or blocked for stating opinions (with a much better proof base) that differ from what their "pastor" or fave preacher told them. They are programmed cliches!

There are a few who have enough common sense to be a little open and look outside the box, but I have found them to be few and far between...

I don't really understand them...what are they afraid of?

Well I must stay clear of them, They are closed up, just like I was.

The more I look at these people I consider it a miracle that I ever got out of Christianity!!!

Jai Guru Deva Omm...Nuff said!

Love, peace and respect to you all :)

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