Friday 28 August 2009

Is this the most evil government...ever???

I really would like some thoughts on this?

I have only been on this earth for 46 years and I hit my teens when NosThatcher and her army of Tory bloodsuckers got hold of this country and set the roots down for the middle class and credit culture of the UK, both of which now are collapsing.

They were pompous, arrogant, cared nothing about the poor and correct me if I am wrong but they become the first to label the sick and the unemployed as "scroungers"? Norman Tebbit came out with the classic message to the unemployed "Get on your bike..."

In 1997 I sat up all night to watch "New Labour" with a fresh faced Tony Blair sweep to power and I will always remember the well staged performance of D:Ream with "Things can only get Better" to celebrate the much expected victory. Change was in the air...or was it?

My first question was are they going to get rid of the evil Jobseekers Allowance? No they did not. I remember when that came in. I used to go and sign on and present my list of jobs that I had "honestly" sought after, but what got to me was the way that some 50/60 plus years olds were being treated. To be honest ageism was rife at that time in the jobs market. How were these poor men and women going to get work? Still they were harassed and humiliated more than the rest of us. I have not signed on since 1999 and I believe that it is now more awkward.

So, the continuation of that beast, many other rule changes and cutbacks to squeeze out of the poor convinced me that despite a change of party at the helm, one who traditionally was for the working people, nothing had fact it was getting worse.

So as for the poor weak and vulnerable people of UK what is the benefits of living here?

None! Simple as that. Call me ungrateful but it is a fact.

I am not going to go into all the know them, you hear about and see them every day and what do we do about it? Nothing, becasue unless it hits our doorstep, we don't really care.

A government that even considers cutting payments to injured soldiers who have been duped into joining a group of fat greedy bastard's crusade (oh I meant invasion) is just plain evil. Maybe those fat, greedy, excessive expenses claiming bastards should get off their fat arses, pick up a weapon and invade the place themselves...cowardly bastards!!! May God forgive them for their crimes!

By the reaction of the general public I suppose that the answer to the question of which this blog is entitled is "No". I say this because if they were, you would take to the streets and refuse to do anything for them ever again. A silent protest or a riot would be taking place right now.

I remember when they replaced the what I considered to be a fair but inflexible Family Credit with the monster that is the Working Tax Credits. It still is a monster and has put many honest hard working families in debt. It always gives with one hand and takes from the other.

This government has deliberately loaded this country with immigrants in an attempt to kill our British identity. Still as long as it does not affect us why should we care? These immigrants unknowingly have been invited into a potential racial time bomb. It is just the situation our dear government wants. Order out of chaos.

I remember the outcry at the expenses claim fiasco. That soon calmed down...why? simply because it really does not affect you. There should also be uproar and a refusal to pay taxes because our government is forcing sick people back into work (Employment Support Allowance), why? because it does not affect you.

Maybe it is when your homes are equipped with CCTV to monitor you every movement, where you cannot even take a dump unless it is watched...yes it is going to happen very soon. They are targeting "bad" families and then we will all be watched. By then it will be too late...there will be curfews, food rationing, you will all have to work for your benefits and what ever freedom of speech you have will be gone. Since 1997, this goverment has all but taken away your rights to freedom of speech, the right to protest and your rights to privacy.

I could fill pages with the things that this government has done.

Maybe then you will think that this is the most evil government...but probably by that time there will be a change at the top...the return of the change there then!

You the reader have been warned, you are now responsible for this knowledge.

Love, Peace and Respect to you.

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