Saturday 12 September 2009

The Superficial World

We are so complex as human beings.

One of my most favourite quotes is from the book of Proverbs...

"The heart (mind) of man has many rooms"

Many rooms indeed...many places and personalities.

What I have found interesting, in what I see in other people and what I have seen in myself, is our absolute reliance on certain things to feed the ever hungry egos that we have. This world we exist in is created to do that and also at the same time it exists to enclose you into a smaller and smaller prison in our minds.

What is the answer to this problem?

Self independence...non reliance on anything or anyone, relating to yes, but not reliant upon.

I can hear you say "I am independent...I rely on no-one and nothing!"

Lets look at this...

Independence or even interdependence (choosing to depend on someone or something rather than needing) means that you move out of the "need" zone in your life. It is as simple as that. The first thing you have to realise is that you are not free and you are not independent. Once you acknowledge that, you are on the way.

Lets look at a few examples of "need" generated systems:

1. Work

From the minute we hit school, we are being trained to be a slave. The "education" we get, which is mainly crap and useless is designed to program us to be ready to work. We leave school and then the system grabs hold of us and pushes us into work or as some who like to "sugar" things up, a "career". For those who did as they were told in school, got their grades and so on, a career is the way for you, for those who either where not "bright" enough or rebelled, a life of dead end, repetitive, soul destroying jobs await you. For those of us who do manage to make a "career" the dynamics are similar to that of a factory worker. You will still have a boss, you will get paid though it will be more than a manual labour job, however your hours will be longer and your "loyalty" to your boss or bosses will be strictly expected, you will suffer the stress of having to produce results time after time until eventually the stress of it all reduces you to a pile of rubble. The manual worker or let's say "working class" member of society faces different pressure. It is either work or benefits and the benefits of work only just better being on benefits as your wages as so pitifully low, that the government have to co-fund you in tax credits. It is a life lived in the poverty trap with very little way out.

Going back to dependence both these workers are totally dependent on the system created for them. The working classes need either benefits or a low paid job to keep their heads above the water and the middle classes need the "professional" jobs to pay off the mortgages, loans, car and luxury items. In both cases if their structure collapses, they could both end up the same way...homeless. Either way the dominant force runs their lives...dependence.

If I was to go as far as looking as the wealthy and successful, there lies another trap. The need to keep being successful. This dominates many of our pop/rock stars, fashion designers and artist...anyone in the public realm. Once again falling prey to dependence.

2. Escapism

First thing many of us want to escape from is the world itself. Our lives are so filled with stress and trouble that we must find a way out of it at all costs. So much time and money is spent on keep ourselves entertained so that we don't have to face up to the fact that all is not well with the world and by our non involvement in the solution, we are responsible. We are more concerned with the next football result, what is going on between celebrities, what will happen next in your favourite soap opera than our own personal state of being and the state of the world we live in. So we buy into filling our minds with this shite, rather than face up to the truth that we are slowly being closed in by the forces in this world. We believe their bullshit and move along accordingly.

Escapism leads to denial and while you exist in the sphere, you external world crumbles around you. It takes your mind of what is really going on around you, you become "easy to lead about" your ability to think for yourself.

3. Relationships
This is a good one. Relationships are supposed to be based on co-existence and inter-dependency. In other words you choose to be with that person simply because they compliment you and you can both better each other and work and take the journey of life together.

What we have now is relationships that are based on need and not love. Love does not make demands on the other to change to fit their ideology of what a partner should be and it does make a person so reliant on the other that they cannot exist with their partner. That type of relationship brings nothing but pain and destruction to both sides. So the result is breakdowns in relationships on an epidemic level. In a need bases relationship there are no winners.

4. Addictions

It can be argued that there are some of us who have an "addictive" nature; however, we can all become addicted to just about anything. This becomes a thing of dependency and the prison walls are so very difficult to break free from. Drugs, Alcohol, are two of the most damaging ones but the most biggest addiction is that of cigarettes, legalised to fund the governments overspending and funding the tobacco industry is a proven killer, despite that they are still sold to the public and highly addictive.

Shopping, sex, gossip, are but a few but anything can become addictive.

Addictions in my opinion are born out of a need to escape the life we lead.

5. Religion

The ultimate dependency trip!

Millions are caught in this...millions, and it is so clever in its simplicity. It tells you that you are rubbish, that you must deny the "self" which is spiritual suicide, you are stupid and that you need a guide, you cannot even exist without God and no matter how much you are told that God is in you, it is never enough...there must be more of him in there. It is a sacrifice based belief system. You just have to keep giving and giving and giving and that is never enough.

Your world becomes so much smaller and you become dependent on this entity for everything. Songs are sung over and over again on how much you need this God and without him you are nothing and the more you sing the song the more you believe it. You become smaller and smaller on the inside.

Christianity and Islam have much in common they are both invading belief systems. They want to invade your mind and your land.

There are other religions too more subtle ones. Football carries its own fanasticsm, celebrity worship can go to such extremes that fans want to look like their idols, and fans of bands or musical artists go to extremes to follow their "gods".

Dependency is simply an attack on the self. It keeps you away from knowing who you really are.

If I was to ask you "who are you?" you would tell me about what you do and what kind of person you are but the question is not answered...WHO ARE YOU? This world has covered you with so much that you don't even know who you are. You have become multi-layered, needing and needing things to keep these parts of you appeased.

When was the last time you stopped what you are doing and take a look at where you are and what is going on? Sometimes it takes a nasty surprise to jolt us into a period of self realisation, we all need it.

Love, Peace and Respect to you all :)

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