Saturday 15 August 2009

How much are you worth?

I am back after a rest from blogging.

I took all of my previous blogs off because of some of the reactions I was having to some of the statements I was making, but now I am of the mind "who cares..!"

I have been looking at the issue of time..our time.

If we are lucky we are given about 70 plus years on this planet but what has recently disturbed me is the fact that our time seems to be worthless to those who have decided that they are our masters.

The term "wage slave" does not even cut it...

In the UK the minimum wage is currently set at:

•£5.73 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older
•A development rate of £4.77 per hour for workers aged 18-21 inclusive
•£3.53 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age

OK, just think about this...

For one hour of your precious time, in which (I know from past experience) you work very hard and may have to endure criticism, humiliation and belittling, you are paid the equivalent of the price of a bottle of Spanish Rioja wine or a large free range chicken.

For those who are not fortunate to be born into riches or well educated or are business minded, you are "encouraged"...OK FORCED to work. Even the sick are being forced back into this thing called work.

Then we are told that it is a thing of pride to work for this amount of money and under terrible working conditions and if we don't we are scroungers. This is absolute bollocks!!!! The ultimate lie to the working classes and to our shame many of us bought it. I certainly did! The reality is that the wage is so low that those in families have to apply for tax credits, so in effect we are still "scrounging" but actually working. A no win situation really.

For all who are caught in this trap, unless a financial miracle comes to you, you will be stuck in this trap until the end of your days. The system is designed that way. If you get a pay rise, it is taken from you. you have to tell them everything about your circumstances. You cannot get any low interest loans, but have to rely on mega high interest loans from companies our dear government should stop operating, but they don't.

I watched a programme for the first time last night called "Dragon's Den" where budding business people have to try and "convince" these so called "successful" business people (who have mastered the art of making money out of the precious time of others). These masters of business sit like lords as the people try to convince them to in exchange for their money (investment) they get a portion of their business and profits. They are then completely dismembered one by one with the odd one or two deemed worthy...only because they know they can cream money from these entrepreneurs. Quite sick really!!

It could be argued by the executive person that this does not apply. yes, you do get paid more for your time, but you have to admit, that you end up giving more of your time to your boss (master) and still have to endure the same bullying and humiliation.

I have found in the past that the people I have worked for are mostly control freaks who bully in some way but also they are being bullied or harassed by someone higher up the ladder, but in reality, it is the common worker who bears the brunt of all.

How much are you worth?

You are forced into school at an early age, where you are trained to be a slave
You are then after school forced to find work
If you are a will have to take out a loan to fiance your study and will begin your career (working life a higher level slave) not only to your company but to a bank and government as well.
If you were not lucky or privileged enough to have a good education you can look forward to a low paid job and may spend your days in and out of work. Mindless factories, repetitive work and now motive to do anything else.
You get to the time when you are no longer of use and you are out out to grass like an animal with little or no reward for your labour.

So for the price of a bottle of time...are you really worth that much?

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